
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Review: Apprentice by Rachel E. Carter - The Black Mage #2

Apprentice  (The Black Mage, #2)Apprentice by Rachel E. Carter


She survived a trial year at the Academy of Magic, but that was the easy part…

Now sixteen-year-old Ryiah is an apprentice of Combat, her school’s most notorious faction. When she finishes, she will be a war mage, but in order to do so, she has to survive four years traveling across Jerar, training with a master she hates, her old nemesis, Priscilla, and Prince Darren, her sometimes-rival sometimes… more?
Ry’s new apprenticeship is nothing like what she prepared for. War is on the horizon and her lessons aren’t just for practice anymore.
It’s time to fight.

What I think:
I loved this book. It was different than the last one, with a lot of time passing in this book. It was nice to have the apprentice years pass by quickly, yet you know everything you need to know. I'm still in love with the story, the characters and the world. All I can say at this point is: where's the next book? I'm very qurious about the romantic developments and the further continuation of the story.
I'm happy with how things ended up between Ryiah and Ian before he "graduated", but damn so many relationships still drive me crazy in this story. How people who were never nice kind of start being nicer and how people you start to trust as a reader break your heart, more than once.
Overall, this is just a very exciting story and I'm unable to stop reading.

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